"You can be angry at someone (or something) you love,
and it doesn't always mean the relationship is over."
Years ago, a wise friend shared this with me and when I
heard it, I think I stared back at her for a good 90 seconds before I even
blinked. It was as if someone stated the painfully obvious that I knew deep
down was true, but had never heard verbalized my entire life--let alone seen
someone practice it.
Sure, I got it intellectually--anger isn't the end of everything.
But the world I lived in never dealt with anger directly or in a healthy way:
it was stuffed, covered up, or denied wholesale until it festered right into a
resentment, which of course could leap out at any time and punish the offender
(who seldom had any idea why they were being punished), with harsh words or any
icy freeze-out. This kind of behavior was not only true in my family, but also
deeply entrenched into much of my Mormon culture where being "nice"
seemed to be valued much more than being "genuine."
It took me a long time to understand how to come to grips
with the truth of my friend's statement. And, it took me a long time to
understand how to deal with my anger in a healthy way, and learn that it's not
really "nice" at all to be angry with someone and not be honest about
it, and instead carry resentments around with me like a giant bag of rocks.
Today I recognize I have a choice when
dealing with anger. I also recognize that "anger" is only one letter
short of "danger," and when I don't deal with anger appropriately it
often leads me in a hazardous direction where I lose my spiritual center. That
one-letter, one-second choice between managing my anger or letting my anger
manage me often means the difference between creating cavernous gaps in my
relationships, or creating connections with those around me based on honesty,
respect, and dignity for both of us.

As an openly gay Mormon--and someone who stands as my
authentic self in both communities--I get many opportunities to learn how to
manage my anger. When I'm faced with anger, I can choose to detach and think
before I react. Maybe I choose to remove myself from the situation; perhaps I
choose to respond with a simple statement like, "You might be right"
to avoid a pointless argument; or I can choose to directly tell another person
I feel uncomfortable or angry with their behavior and say what I mean, without
being mean when I say it. Then, if I need to, I can choose to process my feelings
with a safe and trusted friend in confidence, put the situation in my God Box
and give it to my Savior, or beat the heck out of my pillow with a whiffle bat.
I can even choose to do all three.
Everything about maintaining my
spiritual center begins and ends with me and the choices I make. When I choose
to practice managing my anger in a healthy way, I don't have to carry
resentments around like a heavy bag of stones, and I am free to live my life
peacefully and with dignity--and allow others the privilege of doing the same.